Need to know a little more info?

If you’re still thinking about visiting Project Break, checkout our most Frequently Asked Questions below to get more info on what we do and more importantly what you can do! And remember you can always give us a call or send us an email.

Where is the Project Break?

Project Break is located at 10 Manthorpe Street Dry Creek SA 5094. Look for our logo on a large shed. 

What do you do at Project Break?

At Project Break you have the choice of 3 types of Sessions. A Smash Session, Axe Throwing Session or a Smash & Axe Combo Session. Inside the smash room there is just you and your breakables. You will have the choice of a range of weapons to use to smash your items. How you want to smash is all up to you. In the Axe throwing lane you will have a variety of axes to throw. Each lane has a target so you can practice and improve your aim.

Project Break Customers Couple holding sledge hammer and crowbar

Is Project Break safe?

We pride ourselves on making Project Break extremely safe. We provide you will all the required safety equipment all you have to bring is your socks and a whole bunch of energy. We also have a first aid kit on hand.

What kind of stuff can I break?

When you visit Project Break you get a crate full of items to smash. The items can range from mugs, glasses, vases, plates and more. We source all our breakables from op shops and then send all the smashed up remains to be recycled. If you have any suggestions hit us up at bookings@projectbreak.com.au

Project Break Customers Couple Holding Baseball Bat

How much does a session cost?

There are 3 types of sessions. A Smash & Axe Combo is $65, a Smash Session is $45 & Axe Throwing Session $35.

Can I play music while I'm in there?

Yes! We have speakers so you can pick your jam and go your hardest. 

How many people can be in the room?

Only one person is allowed in a Project Break smash room at a time. We do have group bookings so you can come with friends but there will always be only one person per room. 

Can I bring my own breakables?

Yes, but at our discretion. If there's something you've always wanted to break or has been an object of frustration, feel free to bring it with you. Do not bring old bottles or recycling waste, we are not a dump. 

Can anyone do this?

Yes, from very young smashers to seniors smashers, we have visitors of all ages. The only requirement is if you are under 18 you will need parental consent. Project Break does reserve all rights to refuse entry to individuals who we deem unfit for the activities though, so please bear that in mind before coming.

Project Break customers family of 4

What are you waiting for?

Mates, couples, families, colleagues are all welcome to experience Project Break.